Girl, We Grown Now

Welcome to the ” Girl, We Grown Now” podcast where I talk about relationships, life, and other hot girl ish that will help you create the life that you want in your 30s. This is not just another 30s podcast, this is a podcast that will help you overcome the 30s blues and live your best life. Want join the grown girl gang? Make sure you subscribe so that you don’t miss new episodes that drop every Tuesday morning!

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Friday Jun 07, 2024

In this week's episode, host Victoria wraps up the mindset series with an informative interview with Dr. Kate Truitt, an award-winning clinical psychologist and applied neuroscientist. 
Dr. Kate discusses the profound impact trauma can have on our mental health, relationships, and belief systems. She explains the science of neuroplasticity and its role in overcoming past traumas and reshaping our mindset. You will learn about common misconceptions about trauma, how it affects our bodies physically, and practical strategies for building resilience and reframing negative patterns.
In this episode they also cover effective coping mechanisms, the importance of self-compassion, and the role of forgiveness in any healing journey. Dr. Kate provides actionable insights and exercises, such as the CPR for the Amygdala, to help listeners navigate their trauma and build a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Make sure you tune in to gain valuable knowledge from a leading expert in the mental health space! Listen in to the full episode and discover how you can harness the power of your mind to foster resilience and well-being.
Links to Checkout!
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Friday May 24, 2024

Welcome back to the ' Girl, We Grown Now podcast. This week we have another mindset-focused episode, in this episode we dive into transforming not-so-great habits into healthier ones. We explore how rewiring your brain and setting the right environmental cues can make habit changes more achievable. From understanding the habit loop to practical examples like building a running habit, we break down the steps to make positive changes stick.
We also discuss the importance of breaking old patterns, starting small, and surrounding yourself with supportive influences. Additionally, we touch on the significance of positive self-talk and visualization in achieving your goals. Join us as we uncover how to set yourself up for success and create lasting habits that align with your vision for a better you!
Don't forget to leave a review and share this episode with friends who might benefit from these insights. Let's grow together, Grown Girl Gang!
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Friday May 17, 2024

In this week's solo episode, host, Victoria talks about how cultivating the right mindset can lead to finding your purpose and living a more fulfilled life.
Victoria emphasizes the importance of living in your purpose and finding joy, satisfaction, and meaning in life beyond monetary wealth and societal expectations. She explores how aligning one's actions with core values and passions paves the way to contentment and deep, personal fulfillment.
Throughout the episode, Victoria highlights the significance of being in a space of self-awareness and longing for personal growth. Drawing on her personal experiences, Victoria explores the importance of positive thinking, affirmations, and changing negative narratives that hinder us from finding our purpose. In this episode you will find the encouragement to transform your pain into power and obstacles into lessons. Challenges are a part of life's journey, how you choose to navigate them will make the biggest difference.
There is a huge impact of being surrounded by supportive relationships that encourage your growth and nourish your soul.
Whether you're looking to transform your mindset or get started on finding your purpose, this episode promises to be a guiding light on your journey. Make sure to tune in to the full episode and share it with a friend!
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Thursday May 09, 2024

In this week's short but impactful episode, host, Victoria dives into a personal experience of an Airbnb disaster and the valuable lessons she learned from it. Underscoring the cruciality of adaptability, resilience, and the courage to pivot in the face of unexpected events. This episode unveils how these traits can transform life's unpredictable challenges into valuable opportunities for growth and improvement.
In this episode she also discusses the power of shifting your mindset, denouncing the 'woe is me' perspective and instead viewing setbacks as detours rather than roadblocks. It emphasizes how a transformative mindset can turn chaotic situations into memorable ones, resulting in prospects that exceed prior expectations. We also dive into the importance of having a 'Plan B', not as a sign of doubt but as a symbol of preparedness and insight.
From unexpected setbacks to unanticipated mishaps, in this episode you will learn how embracing a resilient mindset can transform adversity into opportunity. Join us as we reflect on the power of resilience and the valuable insights gained from embracing life's challenges head-on. Make sure to tune in to the full episode and share it with a friend!
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Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

In this week's episode, Victoria chats with Dr. Liz Carter, a well-respected naturopathic physician and acupuncturist. They tap into the core principles of naturopathic medicine and the importance of treating her patients holistically rather than focusing on alleviating symptoms. Dr. Liz brings a unique approach in Chinese and Naturopathic medicine to the table and elaborates on their influence when it comes to achieving optimal health.
They delve into the concept of "chi" or vitality in Chinese medicine, its impact on our health, and its similar role in Naturopathic medicine. They shed light on the Naturopathic tradition of analyzing a person's overall lifestyle for an effective treatment plan and the role of acupuncture in holistic treatment. They also dive into the significance of your environment in your health journey and provide insights on how to navigate environmental impacts.
With the focus also on gut health, they explore the fundamentals of naturopathic cures and the importance of consuming food mindfully. This discussion with Dr. Liz leaves no stone unturned in understanding the possibilities that naturopathic and Chinese medicine offer in treating various health conditions. The conversation also includes food intolerance, stress management tips, and techniques for overall well-being, all aimed at empowering you to take charge of your health!
This episode is a well of knowledge for anyone eager to understand more about the power and potential of naturopathy and Chinese medicine, their role in holistic health, and how their principles can be incorporated into a daily wellness routine.
Make sure to tune in to the full episode and share it with a friend!
Links to Check Out!
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

In this week's episode of the 'Girl We Grow Now,' podcast host Victoria continues her conversation from last week with Carly, a certified holistic health coach. They explore the essentials of maintaining good gut health and achieving hormone balance, the basic routines facilitating liver and lymphatic system health, and methods for effective body detoxification, including Carly's top pick for detoxification.
They dive into the complexities of leaky gut, the liver's integral role in detoxification and hormone production, signs that your body may need a detox, and so much more!
The discussion also includes the effects of birth control on our body and the likely need to detox from it to achieve optimal health. In this episode they emphasize how important it is to be able to make informed decisions regarding your health, the pitfalls of band-aid solutions and the benefits of a holistic approach to wellness.
This comprehensive episode illuminates various aspects of detoxification, hormonal balance, estrogen dominance and effective ways to manage it naturally. Discover the power of fertility awareness method, the importance of stress management and sleep quality, and simple lifestyle changes that can enhance your well-being.
Make sure to tune into the full episode to empower yourself with knowledge to make mindful choices on your journey towards optimal health.
Links to Check Out!
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

In this week's episode of the ' Girl, We Grow Now' podcast, host Victoria welcomes Carly Mariotti for part one of an in-depth conversation about gut and hormonal health, exploring how these two vital systems impact our overall well-being. Carly shares insights into the factors influencing gut health, such as diet, sleep, exercise, and early-life experiences. She sheds light on how gut health influences our overall well-being and uncovers the interconnectedness between our gut microbiome and hormonal balance.
This deep dive into health awareness addresses the interplay of gut, hormones, serotonin, and autoimmune issues. This episode provides practical tips to navigate these factors for a healthier life. Carly breaks down complex health buzzwords such as estrogen dominance, microbiome, and serotonin, making health science accessible for every listener.
Additionally, we examine the role of inflammation in gut health and hormonal balance, highlighting the impact of stress and the importance of regular exercise in promoting gut health and reducing inflammation. 
Make sure to tune into the full episode as we delve into the fascinating world of hormones and gut health, with the hopes of empowering you to take charge of your well-being and thrive from the inside out!
Links to check out!
Listen to Episode 27 w/ Carly Mariotti on Mindset and Somatic Healing Here
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Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

In this Week's episode host, Victoria, and Dr. Stephanie delve into the intricate world of fertility health, exploring essential topics such as egg freezing, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), and natural ways to optimize reproductive well-being.
This episode serves as a guide for those who are navigating their fertility journey. We begin by defining fertility and shedding light on the various lifestyle factors that can impact reproductive health. From diet and exercise to stress management and environmental influences, we explore how everyday choices can influence fertility outcomes.
Next, we discuss the signs and symptoms that may indicate it's time to seek guidance from a gynecologist or fertility specialist. By recognizing the subtle cues of fertility issues early on, you can take proactive steps to address potential concerns and explore available treatment options.
Throughout the episode, we provide valuable insights into natural methods for regulating the menstrual cycle and enhancing fertility naturally. We highlight that in order to boost your fertility you may need to make some lifestyle modifications and find the best stress reduction techniques.
WE also delve into the fascinating realm of assisted reproductive technologies, including egg freezing and IVF. We unpack these procedures, discussing their potential benefits, considerations, and success rates. By providing a comprehensive overview of these options, we aim to empower everyone listening to make informed decisions about their fertility journey.
Whether you're considering egg freezing for future family planning, exploring IVF as a treatment option, or simply seeking ways to enhance your fertility naturally, this episode offers valuable insights and guidance to support you on your path to parenthood.
Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment, unraveling the complexities of fertility health and celebrating the possibilities that lie ahead! Tune in to the full episode and be sure to share it with a friend!
Links to Check Out!
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Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

In this week's episode of the 'Girl, We Grown Now' podcast, host Victoria chats with fashion content creator and digital stylist, Marie Ericksson to dive into personal style and Spring and Summer trends that we should all be excited about. As the seasons change, it's the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe and infuse your look with grown girl confidence and an elevated style.
This episode is your ultimate guide to embracing your unique sense of style and elevating your fashion game for the warmer months ahead. From trendy pieces to timeless classics, we'll explore how to curate a wardrobe that reflects your personality and makes a statement wherever you go.
First and foremost, we emphasize the importance of tapping into your personal style and owning it with confidence. Whether you're drawn to bold trends, dainty pieces, or minimalist chic, embracing what makes you feel comfortable and empowered is key to crafting a signature look that's authentically yours.
Throughout this episode, we'll share insider tips and fashion insights to help you navigate the latest spring and summer trends with ease. From statement blouses to elevated basics, we'll highlight key wardrobe staples and talk about how you can mix and match pieces to create effortlessly stylish outfits for any occasion.
But it's not just about following trends – it's about expressing yourself through fashion and feeling empowered in your own skin. We'll discuss the power of accessorizing to add personality to your look, as well as the importance of choosing pieces that make you feel confident and comfortable from head to toe.
we'll also offer practical advice on how to elevate your style game with simple yet effective styling techniques that will help you add interest to your outfits. Whether it's mastering the art of layering or experimenting with different statement accessories, we'll talk all about how you can take your spring and summer outfits to the next level and make a lasting impression!
Join us as we head down this journey of self-expression, style discovery, and learn how to embrace your unique sense of style with confidence and ease. Get ready to elevate your look and own your fashion choices like never before! Make sure to share this episode with a friend who is also ready to elevate their style and update their look!
Links to Check Out!
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Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Join host, Victoria, on this week's episode of the GWGN podcast. This episode centers around unlocking and nurturing self-confidence, a valuable trait that extends beyond being outspoken. In this engaging conversation, Victoria unpacks the different elements tied to self-confidence and provides practical strategies for building inner strength and positive self-perception.
In this episode she connects the notion of confidence with effective personal rebranding and shares five actionable ways to boost confidence, including challenging self-limiting beliefs and creating a positive environment for yourself.
From setting healthy boundaries to elevating your appearance, this episode explores the different dimensions of self-confidence. The importance of positive self-talk is highlighted, as well as the harmful effective of having negative people in your life. 
If you're on a personal growth journey or seeking motivation to authentically embrace yourself, this podcast episode serves as your vital road map. Tune in to overcome hurdles, build or strengthen your self-confidence, and unlock the endless possibilities of life.
Remember: confidence is built in every phase of life, and it all starts with your mindset!
Links to Check Out!
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